a rare collection of  alaaps from Agra gharana

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This is not a commercial site. The purpose of this site is to propagate an almost forgotten style of singing .To achieve this end, the publishers have decided to share these songs completely free of cost.
Please fill up the form and click submit to furnish your details. Link for download will be sent to the email address provided by you. Follow instructions given there.

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User FormRegistration for downloading songs

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Name *
Your Location *
How did you come to know about this site?*
Have you heard any record of Alaap sung in such emotive style before? *
If so, which one ? Kindly give the name of the singer and details if possible
Please give your general opinion of these songs*     
What do you think is the speciality of these alaaps?*
Are you a practising musician?
 Phone No.
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